Tornadoes Rip Through Texas, Causing Influx Of Property Damage Claims

Texas has been hit by several tornadoes within the past week, causing widespread damage and an influx of property damage claims. Insurance companies are now preparing to deal with these property claims in an efficient manner. However, even with the most professional adjusters dealing with these claims, it could take years to fully resolve them. This is especially true if claims go to court, which some of them almost certainly will.
Insurance companies must enlist the help of local, experienced insurance defense attorneys if they want to approach this situation in the best way possible. Insurance defense lawyers with knowledge of local laws and regulations are best-suited to help with these claims, and they can protect the best interests of insurance companies in an efficient manner.
Tornadoes Touch Down in Southeast Texas
On October 27th of 2021, it was reported that Southeast Texas was suffering from an onslaught of tornadoes that damaged homes and left thousands without power. At least one tornado was given an F2 classification with wind speeds exceeding 120 miles per hour. One tornado passed across a highway in Orange County, putting motorists in danger and causing explosions across the road.
Property Owners Urged to Report Damage
Those who have suffered legitimate property damage as a result of these tornadoes are being urged by the Texas Division of Emergency Management to report the full extent of their damage. These property owners are being directed to the Individual State of Texas Assessment Tool, otherwise known as iSTAT. This will provide them with various resources and support from the government, and it will also help government officials determine whether it’s necessary to ask for federal assistance.
These Claims Can Take Years to Resolve
In many cases, insurance claim lawsuits only fully start to gather steam many years after the tornadoes have passed. In October of 2021, it was reported that two property owners filed new lawsuits over damage incurred two years prior due to the famous EF-3 tornado in Northeast Texas. This particular tornado event caused $1.5 billion in property damage, making it the most costly in the Lone Star State’s history.
The two property owners are suing their insurance companies for breach of contract because they allegedly failed to pay out their settlements. This is a common reason for property-damage related lawsuits in Texas, and it shows how these legal issues can drag on for many years if not properly resolved.
Get Help From a Team of Qualified Insurance Defense Attorneys Today
If your organization needs help with property insurance claims, contact the Brownsville insurance defense lawyers at Colvin, Saenz, Rodriguez & Kennamer, L.L.P. at your earliest convenience. We have considerable experience with insurance defense, and we understand how a sudden influx of insurance claims can impact your business. Tornadoes are nothing new in Texas, but they have the potential to encourage people to make fraudulent and baseless claims. Book your consultation today, and you can approach the insurance defense process in a confident, efficient manner.